Chester Hill Public School

Quality education in a caring learning environment

Telephone02 9644 1286

CHPS expectations


Chester Hill Public School provides high quality education for all students.

All members of the school community enjoy a safe and supportive environment while creating an atmosphere, which promotes respect and kindness and problem solving in a non-violent way.

Chester Hill Public School believes in a whole school approach to behaviour management. This encourages all members of the school community to accept personal responsibility for their behaviour.



The students at Chester Hill Public School are treated with consideration and a conscious effort is made to reinforce the students' self esteem. Students are encouraged to make choices and accept responsibility and consequences for their own behaviour.

  • Everyone has the right to be respected and feel safe.

  • Everyone has the right to learn or teach without disruption.

  • Everyone has the responsibility to take care of their own property and respect the property of others.



School rules will be taught in Kindergarten and reinforced throughout the students continuing school life at Chester Hill Public School.

School rules are written in students' language, allowing for NESB and low literacy levels.  




Active Learners

School Behaviour Support and Management Plan